
Julia L. M. Dunn, PhD

Primary Investigator

I’m a born Coloradan, a twin mom, fiber art enthusiast, and absolute nerd. I fell in love with biomedical research as a summer student at Boston University, then earned my BS in Biochemistry with a minor in Mathematics at Denison University and my PhD at UNC Chapel Hill (GO TARHEELS!). After a postdoc at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, I was lucky to be granted the opportunity to start The Dunn Lab in my home state! I’m passionate about eosinophils, inclusivity in science, and conducting research that matters.

Erin Austin, B.S.

Lab Manager

Ms. Erin Austin is a transwoman whose queerness informs her passion for her scientific career! Using the skills she learned within her community activism alongside the skills she built as a veteran of the US Coast Guard, she has set her eyes on building her career as a leader in biomedical science. She is also an accomplished athlete, being a lifelong competitive swimmer and aerialist acrobat, of which she is still actively competitive in. While ambitious, she also declares herself as a self-proclaimed nerd who shares her unending passion for science and athleticism with reading queer fantasy fiction, performing burlesque, and collecting obscure facts about very specific animals to impress people with at parties.

Barbara Fox, B.S.

Colony Manager

Interested in joining our team? We are looking for new lab members at many levels -from undergrad through postdoc! Reach out through our contact page to discuss current opportunities.